VIDEO: Watch As Patrick Eholor Speaks On The Choice Btw Asue Ighodalo’s Legacy of Failure and Olumide Akpata’s Vision for Change

Governor Obaseki has received 16 billion naira every month from federal allocations, yet the Esan people of Edo State have seen little to no improvement in their living conditions.


In comparison to Benin City, the roads in the Esan region are in dire condition, which has caused great frustration among the local population. They feel neglected by Obaseki’s government, leading many to believe that his promises of development were nothing more than empty words.


In contrast, the Labour Party, under the leadership of Olumide Akpata, has promised to address the needs of the Esan people.


Akpata has assured the Esan people that, should he be elected, the position after that of deputy governor will be reserved for a member of their community, in recognition of their important role in the state’s history and culture.


This represents a significant departure from the “turn by turn” approach that has dominated Edo State politics for so long, and which has often left minority groups feeling marginalized and ignored.


The Labour Party’s commitment to equity and inclusivity is a stark contrast to the PDP’s record of neglect and broken promises.


Meanwhile, Asuen Ighodalo’s wealth and political connections have done little to improve the lives of his fellow Esan people. Despite holding positions of power for the past 16 years, he has failed to use his influence to bring about meaningful change in the region.


The upcoming election in Edo State will be a crucial test for the state’s democracy, and the Esan people have an opportunity to make their voices heard.


Olumide Akpata’s tenure as the President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) was marked by several notable achievements:


• He introduced a new system of governance that was more transparent and efficient, leading to improved financial management and accountability within the NBA.

• ⁠Under his leadership, the NBA secured the passage of several legal reform bills, including the Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) 2020, which modernized Nigeria’s business laws.

• ⁠Akpata also spearheaded a nationwide campaign to protect the independence of the judiciary and to defend the rule of law.


Despite not holding the office of Governor, Asuen Ighodalo has held positions of power and influence within the PDP for the past 16 years. Yet, his time in these roles has yielded few tangible results for the people of Esan.


For instance, Ighodalo has been accused of using his position to award contracts to friends and family members, while neglecting the needs of his constituents.


In conclusion, Asuen Ighodalo’s record of failure is a stark reminder that power and privilege are not always wielded in the service of the people.


While Akpata and Otti have demonstrated a commitment to good governance and transformative leadership, Ighodalo has used his position to further his own interests at the expense of the citizens of Edo State.


The choice before the people of Esan is clear: continue down the path of stagnation and decay under the PDP, or embrace the hope and promise of the Labour Party’s vision for a better future.


“Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.” – Martin Luther King Jr.


This quote emphasizes the need for leaders to wield power with love and justice, values that have been lacking in Asuen Ighodalo’s political career.

See video on Jungle Journalist TV: